Previous volume:019.[Fantasy Story] Minjung Vol.2 - Beauty of Packaging[99P]
- Relation works
- HIGH FANTASY – NO.017 GguBbu Vol.13 Invite[45P]
- 007.Paranhosu - Made by Ggubbu – Vol.4 [71P]
- 004.[Fantasy Story] Haena - A waitress with excellent room service[102P]
- 007.[Fantasy Story] Magarin - School Nurse[108P]
- 008.[Fantasy Story] Min-Harin - Exhibitionism of a country girl[109P]
- 009.[Fantasy Story] MinHarin - Gumroad Thumbnail[80P]
- 019.[Fantasy Story] Minjung Vol.2 - Beauty of Packaging[99P]
- 020.[Fantasy Story] Stella Vol 2 – Disturbing Boyfriend’s game[23P]
- 024.[Fantasy Story] Magarin - Temtation in the Bath[89P]
- 025.[Fantasy Story] Cha-Yuri Vol.2 - part 01 A Milf Day [23P]